Workflow Tasks

Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024
documentation for the dotCMS Content Management System

The Workflow Tasks Manager displays the Workflow Tasks that are assigned to users on the system. By default the Tasks screen displays the open Workflow Tasks for the current user, but administrators can also view the Tasks assigned to any other users or Roles on the system.

If the Workflow Tasks Manager is not visible, you may have to add it to a tool group through System > Roles & Tools.

view the Tasks that are assigned to users on the system

What is a Workflow Task?

A workflow task is a content item which has been assigned to a specific user or a role, indicating that the user or some member of the role needs to take action on the content item.

The workflow task contains links to edit the item, the history of all workflow actions taken on the content (including the Actions taken, users that took them, and timestamp), and comments that have been written about this piece of content as the content has progressed through the workflow. Workflow tasks also allow you to attach files to the content (such as specifications or external communications about the content), so that those files follow the content through the workflow.

Working in the Tasks Manager

  • To filter the Tasks displayed in the list, you may edit the filter fields on the left sidebar.
  • To view detailed information about any task, click on the content title. In the Task Detail screen, you can view information about the task and the content, add comments, attach files, and perform workflow actions on the content.

Workflow Task Object

When accessing a workflow task object, such as through the Workflow Velocity Viewtool, it will contain the following properties:

idIdentifier of the workflow task
creationDateTimestamp recording when the task was created
modDateTimestamp recording the last change to the task
dueDateThe date the task is expected to be completed
createdByThe user ID associated with its creator
assignedToThe user currently granted responsibility over the task
belongsToThe task owner
titleThe title of the content to which the task pertains
descriptionDescription of the task
statusThe contentlet's current workflow step
webassetThe identifier of the contentlet
languageIdThe content's language ID

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